Welcome Reader:

Whether you've just now tuned in to my life, or have been keeping up with my inner thoughts for quite some time now,
I welcome you.

Though you may or may not be entertained by my thoughts, it is for MYSELF that I pen a blog.

As a writer, I enjoy expressing myself.
When I write long romance novels, I am inside my head so much, I forget to focus on reality.

By writing once and a while on my blog, when the mood hits me, I have the freedom to come and go.
To pull up a chair and order lemonade or an ice cream sundae.
To either gobble it down, or eat it ever so slowly...

...until it melts into a concoction that resembles mushy milk.

Pull up a chair! Have a read. I hope you enjoy it.
I do...and that's what really matters.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Make Every Word Count

Contemplation is a big word for 'think about it and figure it out.' I am in contemplation mode on my novel. I have written a dozen chapters. I've described neighborhoods, characters, and feelings. I've described relationships, sex, and breakups. But have I described them too much?

In contemplation mode I like to take a breather from my story. I step back and put some space between us. By doing this I hope to come back to the piece with a fresh perspective. With fresh eyes I can pick out things that I thought were working, but aren't. The hard question is: am I so in love with my words that I can't nix them?

My wonderful niece and editor brought to my attention some things about the story she would like to see added, and some things she would like deleted. She told me some things she loved and some things she didn't love. Some things she feels I should simplify and some things should be harder. She is a wise writer, so I am taking heed and pondering her suggestions/comments.

I am also reading K.C. McKinnon's "Candles on Bay Street" and one of many Danielle Steele's books. Doing this will aid me in seeing how much description is necessary and how effective are short or longer dialogue. Already I have noticed that one story has very little description and dialogue and the other thrives on minute details to the point that it makes me want to gag!

Should I bend my story to fit some kind of mold, or write it my way and let the chips fall where they may? If I want to get published, I believe I should follow in the footsteps of those who have successfully been published before me. That said, I will compromise and do an adequate amount of description, introspection, and dialogue. I must remember to make every word count and to show, not tell. Plus there are so many other rules to writing. It's not as easy as one might think.

I am thinking about it and figuring it out...this process is called contemplation. Some enter this phase with trepidation. I enter it with an open heart and mind. Being flexible and persistent is the key to success!

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