Let's clarify: I don't like to think of my previously used items as junk. I enjoyed it for what it was, for the use I got out of it, for the time I used it. I had a bond with each and every one of my things at one point in time. However, that time has passed. Now, those coveted items are displayed on three tables and one clothes rack. (Also, three of my sisters, my mother, and my niece each have their tables.)
Strangers and some townsfolk looked at my table of things. One hand grabbed a book I once read 20 years ago when I was in the service, another held up a shirt to their chest to see if maybe the pink blouse would fit, yet another liked the purple etched vase and an old jackknife that I actually don't know where it came from.
These items, plus gads more, are my previously used items that I placed stickers on: .10, .25, .50 cents, and/or $1.00. Yard salers' slash bargain hunters picked up the items, looked at them right side up and then at the underneath (for hidden flaws) and then the contemplation began.
"Is it worth .10? Is it worth digging in a purse or pocket for .25 cents? Where will it go in the house? Who can I gift it to? IT'S SUCH A GOOD DEAL! I'D BE CRAZY NOT TO BUY IT!" These and more questions and comments zipped through the frugal yard sale shopper's minds. Some don't ask questions: they impulse buy. I like impulse buyers!
Behind my tables I held my breath and silently added the total of items. A whopping $2.25!!! I didn't think anyone would buy my stuff. They paid good money for the junk I didn't need anymore.
At the end of six hours the tally was $75.00 for me and new treasures for the fifty people who were kind enough to pull off the busy road, visit the yard sale, and give me a couple bucks.
To those fifty I say thank you. See ya next year!!!