Welcome Reader:

Whether you've just now tuned in to my life, or have been keeping up with my inner thoughts for quite some time now,
I welcome you.

Though you may or may not be entertained by my thoughts, it is for MYSELF that I pen a blog.

As a writer, I enjoy expressing myself.
When I write long romance novels, I am inside my head so much, I forget to focus on reality.

By writing once and a while on my blog, when the mood hits me, I have the freedom to come and go.
To pull up a chair and order lemonade or an ice cream sundae.
To either gobble it down, or eat it ever so slowly...

...until it melts into a concoction that resembles mushy milk.

Pull up a chair! Have a read. I hope you enjoy it.
I do...and that's what really matters.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Last night my sleep was disrupted.
At 3:00 in the morning my eyes snapped open.
Though awake, my thoughts lingered.

The events of my early morning dream
turned from good to bad,
those wilderness years haunting,
as the innocent dream evolved
into a nightmare from the past.

I lay on my side of the bed,
my earplugs in,
unaware if my husband
was alive and healthy beside me.

(It is his night-noises that lead to earplugs,
that leave me wondering
when I awake during the night
if his chest is actually rising and falling...
..I do NOT want to hear the snoring!)

Paralyzed, my slow breath was weak;
visions of a kaleidoscope twirled in my head.
Since I had to fast the prior night,
I knew my medicine was not causing this event.


It was the Almighty One talking to me,
in my dreams, while I am quietest,
making me relive things and see more clear,
and ponder other people's points-of-view.

Oh the horror! The person, the event,
nearly 28 years forgotten,
now pounding in my heart and head
like an aneurysm.

But like the gory-writer, Stephen King,
my mind would not turn away from the bad.
It oozed and goozed and matted itself into a glob
that held my great fears prisoner!

If I had not been afraid,
paralyzed into submission,
I would have turned over and laughed the
'dream-gone-wrong' away.
But no...in my mind it stayed.

Sleep did come, eventually,
but my mind is not the same.
Even this morning,
with the sun shining and my monster vanished,
the sadness stays.

So, I told my best friend who snores in the night
of my early morning fright,
he is so good,
but today not as good as I needed.
He could only listen in one ear
and wonder about my sanity
as it escaped out the other ear.
Only his massive brain could impede my worry's path.

"Well, I just wanted to share that I am sad,
just so you know why I might be a little quiet today."
He nodded his head,
and I said,
"I'll get that little girl over here today and she'll make me laugh!"

I immediately felt a calm fill my heart.
There is nothing so bad
that a little 8-year-old girl,
who is silly herself,
cannot cure.

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