Welcome Reader:

Whether you've just now tuned in to my life, or have been keeping up with my inner thoughts for quite some time now,
I welcome you.

Though you may or may not be entertained by my thoughts, it is for MYSELF that I pen a blog.

As a writer, I enjoy expressing myself.
When I write long romance novels, I am inside my head so much, I forget to focus on reality.

By writing once and a while on my blog, when the mood hits me, I have the freedom to come and go.
To pull up a chair and order lemonade or an ice cream sundae.
To either gobble it down, or eat it ever so slowly...

...until it melts into a concoction that resembles mushy milk.

Pull up a chair! Have a read. I hope you enjoy it.
I do...and that's what really matters.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Prayer for You

Dear One,
The sun is shining on this new day...the first day of fall.
Last night I concluded my first bible study on the Book of Esther.
As the title stated..."It's Tough Being a Woman."
During my nine weeks of study I made several new women friends and glad to have met them.
Fear not! With God at your side,
he promises and delivers to you strength, hope, love, comfort, cheerfulness, compassion, praise, and the promise of fulfilling your destiny...if you believe and challenge yourself to recognize your purpose in this life, placed here in this world at 'such a time as this'; you may then fully enjoy your God-given life and make the most of it. If you can be of service and help others along the way, more is the glory to God.
I am still working on figuring out my personal destiny, but ultimately, loving and trusting God and believing in Jesus' sacrifice is the first destiny I've fulfilled. We must accept and believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Live it, breathe it, and spread the word. I'd sure like to see you along side me one day in heaven!
With that said, I now pray that God blesses you and keeps you safe!

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