Welcome Reader:

Whether you've just now tuned in to my life, or have been keeping up with my inner thoughts for quite some time now,
I welcome you.

Though you may or may not be entertained by my thoughts, it is for MYSELF that I pen a blog.

As a writer, I enjoy expressing myself.
When I write long romance novels, I am inside my head so much, I forget to focus on reality.

By writing once and a while on my blog, when the mood hits me, I have the freedom to come and go.
To pull up a chair and order lemonade or an ice cream sundae.
To either gobble it down, or eat it ever so slowly...

...until it melts into a concoction that resembles mushy milk.

Pull up a chair! Have a read. I hope you enjoy it.
I do...and that's what really matters.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happiness is the Lord

Happiness is the Lord
Song by Ira F. Stanphill

Happiness is to know the Savior, Living a life within His favor,
Having a change in my behavior, Happiness is the Lord.
Real joy is mine, no matter if teardrops start;
I've found the secret--it's Jesus in my heart!
Happiness is the Lord, Happiness is the Lord.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Creating Birthday Cakes

Photo by Lisa (Allen) Kennard

Remember when I said I was interested in getting into cake decorating?

I'll tell you a secret you may or may not know: my mother has created most, if not all, of her six daughter's wedding cakes...not to mention baby shower cakes! Perhaps I'm a chip off the old block...not that mom's old, mind you. It's just an antiquated expression.

For my sister's and my birthday, I invited them and my niece over for a little cake decorating party. I pulled out all the tips, etc. my mom gave me recently.

It was my sister's birthday, which is 12 days before mine. My mother used her gift certificate to treat us to pizza for supper, plus other foods. Then we opened our presents from Mom. For dessert, we all decorated our own cakes that I had baked the day before.

See how nice they came out!
See if you can guess who make which one?

Go ahead, try!
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Blue Jean Purses

Photo by Lisa (Allen) Kennard

I came across this display in a shop in Lincoln, NH
while hubby and I were on our anniversary vacation.
I really like the jean boot!

Anyone wishing to send their tired old jeans my way?
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Mountains of My Life

In the mountains of my life I contemplate the valleys and gorges.
I have gladly left the gorges and valleys behind.
I've climbed the long, rugged path up to the mountain top.
My current happiness was worth the hike!
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My Birthday - Feeling my Age

Here I am
posing for a
photo on top
of a mountain
a week before
my 48th
Some say I
don't look
my age.
Some say I
don't act
my age.
I assure you,
I FEEL my age!

(However, I shall complain no more, for many are worse off than me. Thank the Lord for my wonderful chiropractor!)
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Cookie Swap Plans

Most everyone has busy schedules, it's true,
That's true for me...is it true for you?

Swapping cookies for the holidays is a nice treat,
As you know, I devour anything sweet!

In the spirit of sharing time, making memories and feeling love,
I offer my hosting charm as we celebrate the Lord above.

The date is set, the decorations begging to get out of the crate,
So mark it on your calendars, the Allen Cookie Swap date:

Saturday (date only shared with family) in the morning,
After a night of sleeping peacefully...and maybe snoring.

Bring your couple dozen cookies and be ready to share,
Come celebrate family...be here or be square!


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tales of the Night

Tucked in bed,
our little sleepy-head,
since a babe she slept under our roof...
until my husband goofed...
and told about a bear
who'd come for a visit overnight.
The child of four
forever swore
she would not lay her head
in a home where outside a bear might tread...
It took three years of coaxing,
and praying, and hoping,
and finally this child of seven
sleeps in her bed at our home,
and I, her Godmother, am in heaven!
"Honey"...I whisper as I fall asleep tonight,
"No more tales of bears wandering in the night!!!
He agreed
and I am pleased.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Thing I Chose to Change

In case you're wondering, the thing I chose to change in my life...
is the layout of my living room furniture.
I'm told by a trusted friend that it makes the place look homey!
It's a nice feeling to realize there is no hint of a reason
for totally uprooting my life,
for needing to flee--
I only need to relax
and enjoy
all the gifts
God gave to me!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Awesome Splendor

It was a heck of a time...driving my honey to vacation in the great outdoors and hiking on nature trails to view scenery of mountains and lakes and awesome splendor. The hot-tub was nice, too.
Given the chance, I would vacation like this for the rest of my natural life. I assume when I arrive in heaven, this beauty will be an everyday occurrence!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ask, See, & Knock

Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks will receive, and anyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to him who knocks.
Matthew 7: 7-8
Enjoy your day and be stress-free!

Friday, October 16, 2009

To be Sure: Walk the Walk

When I was talking to friend whose sister was dying of cancer, he got choked-up and is struggling with her prognosis...I tried to be of encouragement, but when it comes right down to it, in the end, it is between YOU AND GOD!
I hope you all will be present in heaven with me one day...to be sure, think of it this way: you can talk the talk, but unless you walk the walk, you have no guarantee. A minister placating you and suggesting you'll go to heaven without truly believing and living the Christian life, is only making you feel good, falsely.

You must understand and accept that you are living in the Kingdom of God right now, and act like it, and know that Jesus is your Lord and Savior. Without the deep conviction, it is all just 'lip service.'
I know my friend's sister and husband are very religious. I believe it is their faith that has given them their only hope of something better following this courageous battle. Death is only part of the journey...eternal life is a believers reward!

If you have an old friend who is now faced with death, it is also a difficult time for you. When I went to see a high school classmate of mine, Doug, a month before he passed away, I took our high school yearbook and it appeared to make him happy to see in photos all those people who used to be friends, that are hardly, if ever, seen these days.

Perhaps bringing your yearbook and looking at the pictures will ease the tension that is sure to creep into the air at some point during your visit. Perhaps you can tell those hilarious stories and all have a good, great laugh!

In the end...it is between YOU AND GOD.
I hope you are presently living in the Kingdom of God!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Nightly Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep...
but before I do,
I pray You will keep me in Your care.
That while I sleep
I'm not plagued by those repeated dreams
that after 16 years have become
bothersome nightmares.
I know You are with me daily, Lord,
walking beside me,
standing behind me,
holding my hand, and
carrying me when the road is rocky.
Keep me in Your care, Lord,
for my aches and pains
are many,
yea, my joys are many more!
Help me not to forget
that kind words cost nothing
and mean everything!
Encourage me to share them
more often.
If I should die before I wake...
I pray the Lord my soul to take!


It's coming...it's coming...
That long awaited time of year
when you sleep late,
eat celebratory food,
and bend all the rules.
This year hubby and I
will leave the Amish to themselves
and travel closer to home...
Up north to God's Country,
to hike, sleep, hug & kiss,
and soak in the hot tub!
put the pace on slow-mo...
talk slower,
listen more carefully,
laugh fuller,
feel all the emotions
I haven't had time to feel.
Time for honey and me
to reconnect and get
all lovey-dovey!
To celebrate 16 years
of wedded bliss...
and thank God for
rewarding us with
each other!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Precious Treasure

Like a nugget of gold,
the love that this name embodies is my world and my salvation.
I love the man who gave me his name 16 years ago!
I love the man God gifted me with!
For love is a treasure much more precious than nuggets of gold;
so I know; so I'm told.

(Photo and rock painted by Lisa (Allen) Kennard)
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Who You Have Beside You

One of my nieces has this saying hanging in her home. This niece of mine, she is about to have twins!
It has been interesting just sitting back
and watching my niece grow and evolve --
similar to her baby-belly...

Life is wonderful, that's for sure,
especially when you believe what this sign says,
and more especially when it's true.

It is true for her, and it is true for me...
...the big question is, is it true for you?
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Nail Painting

Finding time to paint my finger and toe nails is difficult.
I must paint them and have enough time for them to dry before duty calls to do something else.

Lord knows, I don't have enough time to just sit...and wait...until my nails...dry.

Oftentimes, I have smudges for just that reason!

However, my niece has all the time in the world.
And she can get away with red and blue nails,
as was the case on the 4th of July when we attended
a parade in Ossipee. She is fashion-minded, my niece is, and not afraid to start her own trends.

The only time I can paint my nails is right before bed. I whip the covers over me, taking...great...care...to...gingerly...grasp...the...covers...and...not...smudge my shiny, wet nails! Ah...relax and let the polish dry before I turn over and rest in sweet slumber.

There is a trick to everything in my world!
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

God: A Light That Shines So Bright

(Photo by Lisa (Allen) Kennard - A view of the heart of my childhood church)

At the advice of my new Bible Study Sisters, I now offer my second written prayer:

My Dear Wonderful God,

This morning when I woke up with a headache, I immediately ran to take a pill.
I lay back down and let Your sun (Son) shine on my face for the real medicine.

With my pillow wet from pent-up tears,
I confessed for the umpteenth time my past wrongs,
chided myself for the last time,
and allowed You to let me forgive myself.

From now on, I will leave the past in the past.
I will look forward to the future You are giving me
with a smile on my face and You securely in my heart.
The devil may try to bring me down with hurts,
but the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
far out-weight any oppression he may attempt to sneak in.

Thank you God, for all the love You have allowed in my life.
Thank you God, for helping me to rise above pettiness.
Thank you God, for placing me in this life 'at such a time as this'!
Thank you God, for the family and friends You have gifted me with.

May I be a good example of a Christian to those You put in my path.
May you comfort us lovingly,
protect us from evil always,
and be a Light that shines so bright there is no Darkness in our lives.

In Jesus name I humbly pray,
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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Things I Did on This Rainy Day

'Twas a rainy day today;
drizzle and wind and clouds,
so I slept in until ten or so
and then packed up hubby
in my shiny blue car ------
We went on a rainy-day-adventure.
Like a sporty car rounding
road curves at cruising speed,
I rounded twists and turns
through Lee, Madbury, and Dover
as my wheels whizzed
and my wipers squeaked.
First to eat, of course,
at the 'king of burgers'
from the dollar menu
and then to Wally-World.
Got yet another round of
baby shower gifts for the
Snell family, something
for Cheryl's birthday,
and masks for Ray and me.
Then to the...oh, I can't say...
...for it is an additional part
of a birthday gift for my
ultra-special sister. Shhhh!
Finally, a stop at the
food store for bread,
prunes, fruit, and other
nourishments, etc.
On my answering machine
was a call from my fav-niece.
Actually, two calls. Both pleaded,
"Can I come over? Call me back!"
So she came and we made chocolate
treats, played monkey-in-the-middle,
and ate supper. When it was time to
go home, we played a round of chess.
Daddy picked her up, much to her glee.
Now I sit at the computer screen,
yes, it's 11:15 p.m. Yes I take the time,
when I find the time, to write to you!
So that was my day...a nice, rainy one.
Hope yours was good, too.

Free Womens 2010 Health Calender

I ordered one.
Thought you might like a free calender that reminds you to stay healthy.
(Thanks, Cathy)

Subject: Free Womens 2010 Health Calender

Cathy Lynn Calef

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Pain in the Neck Xrays

"Aha! See here: C6 & C7," my chiropractor said.

Oh yes...rrr...I can clearly see the
protruding vertibrae that should
be rounded with plenty of
disc cushion inbetween.
Instead they are causing
friction and neck aches that
turn into headaches...
...shooting pain & tingles down
my arm and to my fingers.

**Degenerative Disk Disease**


Here's my x-ray to prove it.
You should see my back xrays!

Same thing:
**Degenerative Disk Disease**

Is there any good news, you may ask?
Actually, someday you may get so
used to the pain that it is bearable.
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Pumpkin Play

The final hurrah,
the frost upon the pumpkin
is nights away...

...in the meantime,
we farmers decided
to play.

In case you've
is less than
a month

...yet another reason to play!
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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Birthday Month is Here!

It's birthday month!

My time for reflection and soul-searching.

A time when people around me should mind their 'P's' and 'Q's',
because I always analyze my past life,
ponder my current life,
and made changes as needed for my future life.

(For example: 18 years ago I left my first husband.)
(Thank God for my second husband and best friend of 16 years!)

You see, my analyzing, pondering, and changes can be dramatic...

What will I change this year?????

Bobbing Head at the Fair

Oh, ya! Goin' to the Deerfield Fair!

It's a little tradition I enjoy keeping every year, if possible.
I went a few times during childhood, but never long enough, and never at my leisure. Nor did I have any of my own money to spend on fair food or non-essential baubles. I probably went on a ride or two, but never the wicked dizzy-ing ones. They made me want to puke!

Since coming home from the service I've had more opportunity to go to the Deerfield Fair at my leisure. Still, there is never enough time to just spend strolling, never enough days to go: only on Thursdays to beat the crowds. Only for a few hours so we can spend the rest of the day with my niece. Only just enough time to get a taste of the fair, the thrill and the excitement, maybe one ride on the Ferris wheel, until another year comes and goes and it's fair time once again.

Unless something unexpected comes up to squash my fun:
Like the year I had these wicked stomach pains and stayed home that year.
Like the year I got the call that my Nana was bad off at the nursing home. I was ready to walk out the door to the fair, but had to explain to my 4-year old niece that I had to skip the fun and go help "Nana go to heaven."

I actually went to the nursing home with most all my family gathered around, singing religious hymns to Nana so she could imagine us as angels greeting her into heaven. (That is the most selfless thing I've ever done, seeing how the demon of my life was there with us.)

This year an ear infection and cold are trying to keep me from the fair, but I outwitted it. I stayed in bed all morning. Actually got out of bed just before noon. So I will go to the fair and bring along my hubby and niece, and grasp those few hours of fair ambiance that will tide me over until this time next year. I hear the fried doe and Ferris wheel a'callin!

I hope to see some old friends there. It is usually a place on the weekends to run into people you haven't seen since high school. Sometimes I see an elderly aunt and uncle. Sometimes I see no one I know...I'm just a head bobbing in the crowd...sniffing the fried food!