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Though you may or may not be entertained by my thoughts, it is for MYSELF that I pen a blog.

As a writer, I enjoy expressing myself.
When I write long romance novels, I am inside my head so much, I forget to focus on reality.

By writing once and a while on my blog, when the mood hits me, I have the freedom to come and go.
To pull up a chair and order lemonade or an ice cream sundae.
To either gobble it down, or eat it ever so slowly...

...until it melts into a concoction that resembles mushy milk.

Pull up a chair! Have a read. I hope you enjoy it.
I do...and that's what really matters.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Games People Play

I have always loved board games. The attraction stems back to childhood in the 60s and 70s. As a child I had seven siblings. For birthdays and Christmas presents, my parents and relatives often gifted us with board games. Was it because board games were cheap? Or because one game could occupy so many little minds? Keep us out of trouble or out from under foot? Whatever the reasons, we Allen kids had a whole slew of board games.

We lived in an old New England Colonial house (with a lot of barns added on). All the children slept upstairs and mostly we shared rooms: the 'big girls', the 'boys', the 'other girls' and the 'baby'. As we grew up and some left home, many of us moved from room to room...

At the top of the stairs was a half-door that led to the attic. You needed a chair to get up there. If I remember correctly, once in the closet you had to swing your arm around to find the long string hanging down to turn on the single-bulb light. That illuminated two long shelves on the left. They were stuffed with different sized boxes of board games. Whatever didn't fit on those shelves were up above at the entrance to the attic. You needed a flashlight to see those. Some of them weren't merely board games, but bigger, funner stuff.

Games I recall that we had were: chess, checkers, Chinese checkers, Operation, Hands Down, Ants in the Pants, Don't Spill the Beans, Don't Break the Ice, The Dating Game, Kerplunk, Trouble, Scrabble, Monopoly, Clue, Yahtzee, Uno, The Authors (card game), Parcheesi, Light-Brite, Rock-em Sock-em Robots, Rack-O, Pick-Up Sticks, Domino's, Twister, Hang Man, Spirograph, Rummy, Black Jack, Slap Jacks, marbles, Jax, a large metal hockey game with tin players, a mini pool table, a cheap orange plastic race car track for two cars, a more sophisticated electric race car track, bats, gloves, an array of balls, badminton, Frisbees, many dolls, Tonka trucks, and a Lionel train set with transformers that used to be "Uncle Ben's". (Pardon any misspellings.)

One really big toy we had was a pool table upstairs in the barn. We had a large wooden toy box upstairs in the house, and a large metal strapped toy chest in the outside playroom that led to the patio. On the patio, we had a rowboat sandbox, while in the backyard we had several swing sets, a tether ball, and a Twirlie-Bird. We also climbed trees, rode bikes, had forts in stonewalls and snowbanks, played store, house, school, hide and seek, baseball, soccer, hopscotch, four square, jump rope, and football. A few times we put on the 'Olympics' for our neighborhood playmates.

I'm sure I have forgotten some of the games we used to have and play. I hope for my sibling's sakes I have captured and described accurately the game closet and some of the games that were pleasurable in our childhood.

Currently, I'm compiling a collection of the games that I loved playing as a child. My husband, my young niece, and I enjoy playing them when she is over to visit. She has other games, too, like Candy Land, Shoots and Ladders, Pictionary, Wack-A-Mole, and Flippin' Frogs!
(Plus many others, too.)

It seems one of my mother's (and some of my sister's) favorite games to play is Scrabble. When we get together to socialize that is a game they often want to play. Personally, I can take it or leave it. I'm not big on educational games (and I hate Trivial Pursuit). I prefer 'fun' games!

How about you - got any favorite board or other games that you played in childhood, or currently?
Did/do you have a designated place to store them?
Siblings - did I forget some of your favorite games?
Please reply!


Nicki said...

I'm not a big Scrabble fan either. I like Trivial Pursuit but am not very good at it. My husband is great at Trivial Pursuit and we play a couple times a months with a bunch of friends. We are always amazed at the kind of crap he knows.

I am a huge fan of Catch Phrase. It is an electronic hand set that you pass around from person to person in a large circle (usually in boy-girl order to play boys vs. girls). Each time the hand set is passed, you press a button and a new phrase appears on the screen and you have to describe the phrase well enough for your team to guess it. The only rule is you can not say any of the words in that phrase. And of course, the hand set is beeping out loud as time ticks away and the beeping gets faster and faster the longer you take. I love it and my husband sucks at it!

Sue said...

I am a scrabble addict ever since I found Scrabulous online. I never could figure out the way the points worked, but it figures it out for you!
Anyway, I'm more of a puzzle game type. Probably because I'm an only kid and didn't have many others to play with me. And I'm kind of a nerd :-)