Welcome Reader:

Whether you've just now tuned in to my life, or have been keeping up with my inner thoughts for quite some time now,
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Though you may or may not be entertained by my thoughts, it is for MYSELF that I pen a blog.

As a writer, I enjoy expressing myself.
When I write long romance novels, I am inside my head so much, I forget to focus on reality.

By writing once and a while on my blog, when the mood hits me, I have the freedom to come and go.
To pull up a chair and order lemonade or an ice cream sundae.
To either gobble it down, or eat it ever so slowly...

...until it melts into a concoction that resembles mushy milk.

Pull up a chair! Have a read. I hope you enjoy it.
I do...and that's what really matters.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Old Neighborhood Walk

By Lisa Allen Kennard
(Newspaper Article - 2006)

These days, adding exercise to my routine, I pondered where to walk. I decided to take up the path of my old stomping ground. I know it best – I feel safe there. Parking at Hannaford’s in East Northwood, I walk up Green Street at a fairly good clip. I sprint across Route 4 and then proceed down Bow Street. The lengths of the roads seem shorter than they were 35 years ago.

I go down ‘double hill’ to the place where our sleds used to lose momentum. Our family and neighbors mostly used sleds with metal runners and wooden slats or round, metal flying saucers, not plastic concoctions. Some sleds were new, others hand-me-downs, still others heirlooms from a past generation. Snowfall amounts of the 60’s and 70’s oftentimes were enormous! Not like the ‘dustings’ of today.

While walking these days, though I’m not pulling my sled back up the snow covered hills, I still feel the burn in my legs as my momentum wanes on the hot-top. I’m glad for the smooth surface. Used to be the gravel road was so steep and rough, it was impassible!

Up Bow Street I trudge, across Route 4, and back down Green Street. It’s a good walk – nearly forty-five minutes in duration. In that span I’m transferred back in time; thinking good thoughts of the families that I used to know, and still see many of today. It’s nice having lifelong friends. If you’re lucky, you know what I mean.

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